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Passit Update Guide

To learn more about installing Passit, visit our installation guide.

Upgrading consists of getting the latest Docker images, deploying them, and then running database migrations, which will happen manually or automatically depending on where you’re working.


To upgrade using Docker Compose:

  1. Get the latest docker image docker-compose pull
  2. Shut down the server docker-compose down
  3. Migrate the database docker-compose run --rm app ./ migrate
  4. Start the database docker-compose up -d


Update the Passit Docker image stream. This will trigger a deploy. You can do this by pulling the Docker image, tagging it, and pushing it to OpenShift.

Make sure you are logged into the Openshift registry. Read here.

  1. docker pull passit/passit:stable
  2. docker tag passit/passit:stable <your-openshift-registry>/<openshift-project-name>/passit:latest
  3. docker push <your-openshift-registry>/<openshift-project-name>/passit:latest

If you used our openshift template, your database will automatically update using a pre-deploy hook.

Your registry will change depending on where you deployed Openshift to. If you used Openshift Online in US East 1 it would be


Update the Passit Docker image. You can do this by pulling the Docker image, tagging it, and pushing it to Heroku.

Make sure you are logged into the Heroku registry. Read here.

  1. docker pull passit/passit:stable
  2. docker tag passit/passit:stable<heroku-app-name>/web
  3. docker push<heroku-app-name>/web
  4. heroku container:release web -a <heroku-app-name>
  5. Manually migrate the database using a one-off dyno. heroku run ./ migrate -a <heroku-app-name>

Without Docker

This is not supported. However, if you pull the latest code from the passit-frontend and passit-backend repos and then run the database migration, it should work.